These conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties to this Agreement. Where we use the word ‘You’ or ‘Your’ it means the Customer: ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our’ means the Remover. For the purposes of this Agreement an item is defined as the entire contents of a box, parcel, package, carton, or similar container, and any other object or thing that is moved, handled or stored by us. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written agreement.
In Clauses 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 We set out Our liability to You for loss and damage to Your goods. Please read these clauses carefully.
1.1 Our quotation, unless otherwise stated, does not include customs duties port charges including (but not limited to) demurrage and inspections or any fees or taxes payable to government bodies or agencies. For the price quoted We agree to accept liability for loss or damage to Your goods and premises subject to clauses 2.2, 3.2, 5.2, 5.3 and the provisions of Clauses 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
1.2 Our Quotation is valid for twenty-eight days from the date of issue. Unless already included in Our Quotation, additional charges will apply in the following circumstances:
1.2.1 If the work does not commence within twenty-eight days of acceptance;
1.2.2 Where We have given You a price including redelivery from store within our Quotation and the re-delivery from store has not taken place within six months from the date of the issue of the quotation;
1.2.3 Our costs change because of currency fluctuations, changes in taxation, freight, fuel, ferry or toll charges beyond our control.
1.2.4 The work is carried out on a Saturday, Sunday, or Public Holiday or outside normal hours (08.00-18.00hrs) at Your request.
1.2.5 We have to collect or deliver goods at Your request above the ground floor and first upper floor.
1.2.6 If You or Your agents request collection or access to Your goods whilst they are in store;
1.2.7 We supply any additional services, including moving or storing extra goods (these conditions apply to such work). This may include (but is not limited to) situations in which it becomes apparent when We collect Your goods that there are additional items, goods or other load, of which We were not informed when We provided Our quote and which was not, therefore, included in the quote.
1.2.8 The entrance or exit to the premises, stairs, lifts, or doorways are inadequate for free movement of the goods without mechanical equipment or structural alteration, or the approach, road or drive is unsuitable for our vehicles and/or containers to load and/or unload within 20 metres of the doorway.
1.2.9 We have to pay parking or other fees or charges (including fines where you have not arranged agreed suspension of parking restrictions) in order to carry out services on Your behalf. For the purpose of this Agreement parking fines for illegal parking, caused by Our negligence, are not fees or charges and You are not responsible for paying them;
1.2.10 There are delays or events outside our reasonable control which increase or extend the resources or time allowed to complete the agreed work.
1.2.11 We agree in writing to increase Our limit of liability set out in Clause 9.1.1 prior to the work commencing;
1.2.12 We have to pay operational charges in order to carry out the services, which may be brought in at any time by the law and amended at any time by the law. Such operational charges may include (but are not limited to) Low Emission Zone (LEZ) charges and congestion charges.
1.3 You agree to pay any reasonable charges arising from the above circumstances.
2.1 Unless agreed by us in writing, we will not:
2.1.1 Dismantle or assemble furniture of any kind
2.1.2 Disconnect, re-connect, dismantle or re-assemble appliances, fixtures, fittings or equipment.
2.1.3 Take up or lay fitted floor coverings.
2.1.4 Move items from a loft, unless properly lit and floored and safe access is provided.
2.1.5 Move or store any items excluded under Clause 5.
2.1.6 Dismantle or assemble garden furniture and equipment including, but not limited to: sheds, greenhouses, garden shelters, outdoor play equipment, and satellite dishes, or move paving slabs, planters and the like.
2.2 Our staff are not authorised or qualified to carry out such work. We recommend that a properly qualified person is separately employed by You to carry out these services.
3.1 You agree to:
3.1.1 Advise Us in writing of the value of the goods being removed and/or stored prior to the work commencing. If it is established that the value of the goods removed or stored exceeds the value You have stated Our liability under clause 9.1 will be reduced to reflect the proportion that Your declared value bears to their actual value.
3.1.2 Obtain at Your own expense, all documents, permits, permissions, licences, customs documents necessary for the removal to be completed.
3.1.3 Pay for any parking or meter suspension charges incurred by Us in carrying out the work.
3.1.4 Be present or represented throughout the collection and delivery of the removal.
3.1.5 Ensure that inventories, receipts, waybills, job sheets or other relevant documents are signed by You or Your authorised representative as confirmation of collection or delivery of goods.
3.1.6 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error.
3.1.7 Arrange proper protection for goods left in unoccupied or unattended premises, or where other people such as (but not limited to) tenants or workmen are, or will be present.
3.1.8 Prepare adequately and stabilize all appliances or electronic equipment prior to their removal.
3.1.9 Empty, properly defrost and clean refrigerators and deep freezers. We are not responsible for the contents.
3.1.10 Ensure that all domestic and garden appliances, including but not limited to washing machines, dishwashers, hose pipes, petrol lawn mowers are clean and dry and have no residual fluid left in them;
3.1.11 Provide Us with a correct and up to date contact address and telephone number during removal transit and/or storage of goods.
3.1.12 Arrange appropriate transport, storage or disposal of goods listed in clause 5
3.2 Other than by reason of Our negligence or breach of contract, We will not be liable for any loss or damage, costs or additional charges that may arise from failure to discharge these responsibilities.
4.1 It is Our responsibility to deliver Your goods to You, or produce them for Your collection, undamaged. By “undamaged” we mean in the same condition as they were in at the time when they were packed or otherwise made ready for transportation and/ or storage.
4.2 In the event that We have undertaken to pack the goods, or otherwise make them ready for transportation and/or storage, it is Our responsibility to deliver them to You, or produce them for Your collection, undamaged. Again, by “undamaged” we mean in the same condition as they were in immediately prior to being packed/ made ready for transportation or storage.
4.3 If We fail to discharge the responsibilities identified in clause 4.1 and 4.2, We will, subject to the provisions of clauses 9, 11 and 12, be liable under this agreement to compensate You for such failure.
4.4 We will not be liable to compensate You where clauses 2.2, 3.2, 5.2 and 5.3 apply unless loss or damage occurred as a result of negligence or breach of contract on Our part.
4.5 If You do not provide Us with a declaration of value of Your goods, or if You do not require us to accept standard liability pursuant to clause 9.1 We will not be liable to You for failure to discharge the responsibilities identified in clause 4.1 and 4.2, unless that failure was caused by negligence or breach of contract on Our part.
4.6 The amount of Our liability under this clause shall be determined in accordance with clauses 9 and 11.
5.1 Unless previously agreed in writing by a director or other authorised company representative, the following items must not be submitted for removal or storage and will under no circumstances be moved or stored by us. The items listed under 5.1.1 below may present risks to health and safety and of fire. Items listed under 5.1.2 to 5.1.7 below carry other risks and You should make Your own arrangements for their transport and storage.
5.1.1 Potentially dangerous, damaging or explosive items, including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms, fuels, oils and ammunition.
5.1.2 Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, mobile telephones, portable media and computing devices, stamps, coins, or goods or collections of any similar kind.
5.1.3 Goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or to cause infestation or contamination.
5.1.4 Goods, which in Our opinion are hazardous to health, dirty or unhygienic or likely to attract vermin or pests. We may refuse such goods without liability to You.
5.1.5 Perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment.
5.1.6 Any animals, birds fish reptiles or plants.
5.1.7 Goods which require special licence or government permission for export or import.
5.1.8 Under no circumstances will prohibited or stolen goods, drugs or pornographic material be moved or stored by Us.
5.2 If We do agree to remove such goods, We will not accept liability for loss or damage unless We are negligent or in breach of contract, in which case all these conditions will apply.
5.3 If You submit such goods without our knowledge We will make them available for Your collection and if You do not collect them within a reasonable time We may apply for an appropriate court order to dispose of any such goods found in the consignment. You will pay to Us any charges, expenses, damages, legal costs or penalties incurred by Us disposing of the goods.
Unit 2B, Sutton Quays Business Park, Clifton Road, Sutton Weaver, WA7 3EH