GDPR & Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Notice
Who are we?

Cheshire County Removals & Storage are acompany in England and Wales 

Our head office address is: 

Unit 2B, Sutton Quays Business Park, Sutton Weaver, WA7 3EH

Our registered office address is: 


The contact details for offices are as follows:

Cheshire County Removals & Storage

Telephone: 01928 897250



This Policy sets out the basis on which we, in our capacity as a data controller, may collect and process your personal data.

The purpose of processing your data
When you visit our website or contact us directly you will be expecting us to provide you with a quotation for Removals & Storage

We do not require your consent in order to process the information you provide to obtain quotations on your behalf, as the processing of the information is necessary for the performance of the contract with you, or in order to enable us to take steps to enter into a contract with you. 

Therefore, by completing our forms or requesting a quotation over the telephone, we have a legal basis for processing your personal data to fulfil your needs.

We collect, use, and store your personal information to fulfil requests for quotes, products and services as part of our business. It may also be used to verify your identity and to enable us to carry out anti-money laundering and other financial crime checks where required.

We may monitor calls, emails, text messages and other communications with you. 

We may process your data for certain legitimate interests to help us assess your ongoing needs, to inform you about products and services that meet those needs, to communicate with you, to administer your account with us and to carry out internal data analysis.

If you no longer wish to receive information from us, then you can contact us and make this request. All electronic communications we send to you will give you the option to opt out.

Please show this notice to anyone else whose personal information you will be providing to us.

Transfer of your personal information to third parties

It is not our companies’ policy to sell or pass on your information to third parties for marketing purposes. 

Types of data 

Data will only be used in connection with the service you have purchased from us or for certain legitimate business purposes as advised earlier in this Privacy Notice.  If this is not the case then we will ask for your specific permission for the information to be used differently, for which you must consent for us to do so.

We collect personal information such as name, contact details, financial details, employment details and other personal details depending on the nature of the services we offer. 

Where this is required, you consent to this processing to enable us to provide you with the relevant services. You may withdraw your consent at any time. However, we will not request or store certain sensitive personal data such as your ethnicity, sexual orientation etc.

If you provide personal information about other individuals (such as employees, named drivers, family members etc.), you must obtain their consent prior to disclosing it to us.

You understand and give your explicit consent that we may disclose your information to relevant other parties for the purposes described in this Notice.

Data transfer to countries outside the UK  

We do not transfer your data outside of the United Kingdom other than when it is stored on a cloud server.  If this is the case, your data will only be stored in an approved EEA member country, as it is against the FCA rules for personal data to be stored outside of this jurisdiction. 

Retention Periods

It is our policy to only keep records of your personal data for as long as required, The Companies Act or other legislation, whichever requirement is longer.  Our retention records are currently as follows:

Customer records – 7 years after expiry of annual or short period contract. 

Prospective customer data – 2 years

Your rights 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides the following rights for you as individuals.  

  1. The right to be informed 
  2. The right of access
  3. The right to rectification 
  4. The right to erasure
  5. The right to restrict processing
  6. The right to portability 
  7. The right to object
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
The right to be informed (in brief)

The right to be informed encompasses our obligation to provide fair processing, typically through a Privacy Notice such as this.  It emphasises the need for transparency over how we use your personal data.  

The right of access (in brief)

Under the General Data Protection Regulations, you have the right as an individual to obtain:

  • Confirmation that your data is being processed
  • Access to your personal data
  • Other supplementary information – this largely corresponds to the information that is provided in a Privacy Notice such as this
The right to rectification (in brief)

You as an individual are entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

If we have disclosed your personal data which has to be rectified to third parties, we must inform them of the rectification where possible.  

The right to erasure (in brief)

The right to erasure is also known as the right to be forgotten.  The broad principle underpinning this right is to enable you as an individual to request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. 

The right to restrict processing (in brief)

Under the previous Data Protection Act individuals have the right to block or suppress the processing of personal data.  The restriction of processing under the GDPR is similar. 

When processing is restricted, we are permitted to store your personal data but not further processing.  We can retain just enough information about you as an individual to ensure the restriction is respected in the future. 

The right to data portability (in brief)

The right to data portability allows you as an individual to obtain and re-use your personal data for your own purposes across different services.  It allows you to move, copy or transfer your data easily from one IT environment to another, in a safe and secure way without hindrance to user ability. 

The right to object (in brief)

You as an individual have the right to object to:

  • Processing based on legitimate interests or the performance of a task in the public interest / exercise of official authority (including profiling)
  • Direct marketing (including profiling)
  • Processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics
Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling (in brief)

The GDPR provides safeguards for you as an individual against the risks that can potentially damage a decision taken without any human intervention.  These rights work in a similar way to your existing rights under the previous Data Protection Act.  

You have the right not to have automated decisions about you solely through automated processes

I no longer wish to receive information from you 

Where you have opted in to receive information about the other products we offer or other such information where we have previously received your consent, you may withdraw this at anytime by contacting us by telephone or by email using the contact details below:

Cheshire County Removals & storage

Telephone: 01928 897250



I wish to be forgotten

You have a right under GDPR to be removed from our records.  However, we can only remove your information from our systems once our regulatory requirements have been fulfilled.  

You may request deletion of your data by contacting us using the details and methods below.

If we are unable to remove your records due to data retention periods, this will be disclosed to you at the time of your request, or you can refer to the information provided above.

Cheshire County Removals & Storage

Telephone: 01928 897250



I wish to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint about the way we hold your personal data, in the first instance please write to Chris Coles – 01928 897250

If we are unable to satisfy your complaint, you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office: 

Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Address: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF



We may use Cookies to store session information so that we can identify you for quotation purposes and for retrieval by you of your previous quotation data.  This information is also used for payment purposes using credit card processing.

External site links

Cheshire County Removals & Storage website do link to other websites on the internet.

Content and Privacy Policies are the responsibility of their respective owners, and it will be made clear to you when you are leaving our website when we are sending you to another. 


We do not have any third-party advertising on any of our websites.  

IP Addresses & Login

We may log information about visitors including your IP address, date and time visited, referring website, length of stay etc.  This information is purely used for visitor analytics only and we do not store personal data alongside this information.  

Credit card transactions

It is our policy not to store any details of your credit card.  We use Global Payments, one of the world’s leading merchant providers and their offering secure terminal payment that process your payment on our behalf.  We send them very limited information including the amount of the transaction to be created, your card number, CSV number, postcode (numbers only – not full postcode) and house number.  All other information is undertaken by Global Payments own checks and is not stored or sent back to us and therefore remains fully secure.

Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the General Data Protection Regulation, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Address: Unit 2B, Sutton Quays Business Park, Sutton Weaver, WA7 3EH

Telephone: 01928 897250



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